06/07/2023 - 17:53

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Hypertonic Saline Solution

Hypertonic Saline Solution

What is the hypertonic saline solution?

Hypertonic saline solution is a medical solution that contains a higher concentration of salt (sodium chloride) than what is typically found in the body's normal physiological fluids. It is called "hypertonic" because it has a higher osmolarity or osmotic pressure compared to the surrounding body fluids.

The concentration of salt in hypertonic saline solutions is typically higher than 0.9%, which is the concentration of salt in normal saline (also known as 0.9% sodium chloride solution). Common concentrations of hypertonic saline include 3%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%, although other concentrations may also be used based on specific clinical needs.

Where and for what purpose are hypertonic saline solutions used?

Hypertonic saline solutions are used in various medical and healthcare settings for different purposes. Here are some common applications:

Intravenous Therapy:

  • Hyponatremia: Hypertonic saline solutions may be administered intravenously to increase blood sodium levels in patients with hyponatremia (low blood sodium concentration).
  • Intracranial Hypertension: Hypertonic saline can be used to manage increased pressure within the skull, which may occur due to conditions like traumatic brain injury, brain edema, or intracranial hemorrhage.
  • Hypovolemic Shock: In certain cases of severe hypovolemia (low blood volume), hypertonic saline solutions may be used to restore fluid balance and increase blood pressure.

Respiratory Therapy:

  • Bronchiolitis: Nebulized hypertonic saline is commonly used in the treatment of bronchiolitis, a viral infection that causes inflammation and narrowing of the small airways in infants and young children. Hypertonic saline helps improve mucus clearance and reduce airway inflammation, facilitating easier breathing.
  • Cystic Fibrosis: Hypertonic saline is used as a nebulized treatment for individuals with cystic fibrosis. It helps hydrate and thin the thick mucus in the airways, aiding in its clearance.

Wound Care:

  • Hypertonic saline solutions can be used for wound irrigation or wound dressings. The hypertonicity of the solution helps draw out excess fluid from the wound and reduce edema, promoting wound healing.


  • Hypertonic saline solutions can be used in certain ophthalmic procedures or conditions, such as corneal edema or to facilitate corneal transplantation.

Veterinary Medicine:

  • Hypertonic saline solutions are also used in veterinary medicine for various purposes, including fluid resuscitation in animals experiencing shock or dehydration.
  • It's important to note that the use of hypertonic saline solutions should be determined by healthcare professionals based on the specific clinical scenario and the patient's individual needs. The concentration and administration method should be carefully selected and tailored to the intended purpose and desired therapeutic effects.
  • The administration, dosage, and adjustment of hypertonic saline solution should be determined by healthcare professionals based on the specific clinical condition, individual patient factors, and established guidelines.

Here are some general considerations:

Administration Method:

  • Intravenous (IV) Administration: Hypertonic saline can be administered directly into a vein using an IV line or catheter. The infusion rate and duration will depend on the patient's condition and the desired therapeutic effect.
  • Nebulized Administration: Hypertonic saline can be delivered as a mist or aerosol using a nebulizer device, allowing the patient to inhale it into the airways and lungs.
  • Topical Application: Hypertonic saline may be applied topically to wounds or mucous membranes.

Dosage and Concentration:

  • The specific dosage and concentration of hypertonic saline will vary depending on the intended purpose and the patient's individual needs.
    Common concentrations of hypertonic saline include 3%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. However, the concentration used will be determined by the healthcare professional based on the clinical condition being treated.
  • The dosage and frequency of administration will be determined based on factors such as the patient's age, weight, medical condition, and response to treatment.

Individualized Adjustment:

Healthcare professionals will assess the patient's response to hypertonic saline therapy and may adjust the dosage or frequency of administration accordingly.

Regular monitoring of the patient's clinical status, laboratory values (such as sodium levels), and any potential side effects is crucial to guide dose adjustments.

Adjustment of hypertonic saline doses should be performed by healthcare professionals based on their clinical judgment, considering the patient's overall condition and response to treatment.

Is the preparation of hyperethonic saline solutions practical and safe?

The preparation of hypertonic solutions can be practical and safe when appropriate guidelines and protocols are followed. However, it is essential to emphasize that the preparation of hypertonic solutions should be performed by trained healthcare professionals and under sterile conditions to ensure patient safety.

Here are some considerations regarding the practicality and safety of preparing hypertonic solutions:


  • Availability: Hypertonic saline solutions are available in various concentrations as pre-packaged commercial products, which can be convenient and readily accessible for use in many healthcare settings.
  • Pharmacy Compounding: In certain situations where commercially available products are not suitable or available, compounding hypertonic saline solutions in a pharmacy setting by trained pharmacists or pharmacy technicians can provide a practical alternative.
  • Aseptic Technique: The preparation of hypertonic solutions should follow strict aseptic techniques to minimize the risk of contamination and ensure sterility. Adherence to sterile compounding guidelines.
  • Compounding Errors: To ensure patient safety, it is vital to minimize compounding errors and maintain accuracy in concentration measurements during the preparation process.
  • Sterility Assurance: Proper measures should be taken to ensure the sterility of hypertonic saline solutions, including the use of sterile ingredients, appropriate filtration techniques, and regular monitoring of sterility.
  • Stability and Compatibility: Considerations should be given to the stability and compatibility of the hypertonic saline solution with other medications or solutions that may be co-administered or mixed.

Overall, the practicality and safety of preparing hypertonic solutions depend on various factors, including the availability of commercial products, adherence to sterile compounding techniques, appropriate training of personnel involved in the preparation process, and adherence to guidelines and protocols established by regulatory bodies.

It is crucial to consult with healthcare professionals, such as pharmacists or physicians, to determine the most suitable and safe method for preparing hypertonic solutions based on specific patient needs and clinical circumstances.


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2- Bhardwaj A, Ulatowski JA. Hypertonic saline solutions in brain injury. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2004 Apr;10(2):126-31. doi: 10.1097/00075198-200404000-00009. PMID: 15075723.

3- Máiz Carro L, Lamas Ferreiro A, Ruiz de Valbuena Maiz M, Wagner Struwing C, Gabilondo Álvarez G, Suárez Cortina L. Tolerabilidad de la inhalación de dos soluciones salinas hipertónicas en pacientes con fibrosis quística [Tolerance of two inhaled hypertonic saline solutions in patients with cystic fibrosis]. Med Clin (Barc). 2012 Feb 4;138(2):57-9. Spanish. doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2011.02.022. Epub 2011 Apr 20. PMID: 21511313.

4- Máiz Carro L, Martínez-García MA. Nebulized hypertonic saline in noncystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: a comprehensive review. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2019 Jan-Dec;13:1753466619866102. doi: 10.1177/1753466619866102. PMID: 31390940; PMCID: PMC6688147.

5- Ratner LE, Smith GW. Intraoperative fluid management. Surg Clin North Am. 1993 Apr;73(2):229-41. doi: 10.1016/s0039-6109(16)45978-5. PMID: 8456354.

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